One of my long-time friends, Ryan, is a pro football trainer in in the Midwest and has been working with top athletes for the past 8 years. His main job is getting athletes leaned down and ripped out as quickly as possible prior to the season starting. He focuses on building strength and endurance.
Athletes have to train with only natural products and stay away from steroids or other banned drugs. Ryan can pretty much transform a person’s physique in as little as 8 weeks. This is through a combination of diet, daily lifting, interval training, and what he calls his “1-2 punch combo.” He is also known for his “Game Time 20” workout routine (listed at the end of this post).

The “1-2 punch combo”, which he says is also used by actors and bodybuilders, is using IGF-1 along with an HGH booster. These two supplements combined are actually proven to be effective alone, but when used together the impact almost triples. Basically, they multiply each other’s effects.
Obviously, over here at Ripped Science, we’re all about the science behind the muscle, so here is a quick explanation. Science has known for years the dramatic effect HGH has on muscular strength and growth; its effects proven in dozens of studies. IGF-1, which can be derived from deer antler velvet, is the chemical cousin to HGH. It also builds muscle, but not as quickly as HGH. IGF-1 is important because it lasts much longer in the body and actually stimulates the body’s natural HGH secretion too.
The secret is to stack both together so that when your IGF-1 levels are rising, so are your HGH levels. The more HGH releases, the more you can train harder and longer, while also allowing your muscles to recover and rebuild quicker. This “1-2 punch combo” allows for rapid muscle growth and huge gains in record time.
There are two products Ryan uses the most; deer antler velvet and an HGH booster. He has tried countless products over the years. Some have worked, some were scams.
The best deer antler he suggested was Supreme Antler, which is the only product with a full 100 Mg of pure deer antler velvet per serving. I personally never tried deer antler before, but have had several gym buddies give it two thumbs up and confirmed it definitely benefited them.
The other product he recommended was Sytropin HGH. It has a perfect A+ rating with the BBB (which is obviously good news) and was one I was already using prior to Ryan telling me about it.
I admit, both websites look like your typical muscle-head sale sites…the kinda “in your face” look, which used to make me skeptical. Ironically, some of the best products I’ve used have come from these types of sites. It’s kinda like that dive-looking Chinese food place that looks sketchy on the outside, but the food is freaking outrageously delicious. That’s exactly my best analogy for these products.
My coworker, David, trained with Ryan for 8 weeks and used the “1-2 punch combo” he recommended. He started on July 1st, 2014 and ended his cycle on August 26th, 2014. In that time, he gained 11.7 pounds of muscle and cut his body percentage from 19% to 13.6%. Needless to say, he just got back from Los Cabos and looking at the vacation photos, he looks very happy…and so is his wife!
“It’s ALL about stacking!!! Use the BEST that is out there. I’m 35 years old and I have taken a lot of different workout supplements over the years and nothing has given me the tone and definition that Ryan’s “1-2 punch combo” has. In my opinion, this combo is the workout supplements I’ve been looking for to achieve my goals in record time.” – David L. –’s graphic design guru
Some days, we just don’t have time to put in an hour+ at the gym, but we definitely don’t want to completely skip a day and off-set our weekly routine. Ryan says, “The super-set is a great way to workout if you have limited time. Pick any of the cycles below. Each cycle should only take you two minutes to complete, for a grand total of 20 minutes per workout.”
Push-up/Crunch Super-set:
Repeat 10 cycles of:
– 10 regular pushups
– 10 crunches
– 10 wide pushups
– 10 crunches
– 10 tricep pushups
– 10/10 Left/Right crunches
Leg / Ab Super-set:
Repeat 5 cycles of:
– 20 squats
– 20 crunches
– 10 lunges per leg
– 10 crunches
– 20 calf raises
– 20 crunches
4 Mile Track Work:
– Jog 1 mile in 7:00-8:00
– Three sets of 1/4-mile sprints in 90-100 seconds
– Jog or walk – 1/4 mile
Or you can mix exercises together and do what Ryan calls the “Speedy Spartan.”
Speedy Spartan:
– Run 1 mile
– 100 pushups in as few sets as possible
– 100 crunches
– Run 1 mile
– 75 pushups in as few sets as possible
– 75 crunches
– Run 1 mile
– 50 pushups in as few sets as possible
– 50 crunches
This is the ultimate workout I have ever done in under 20 minutes. The challenge is to do:
– 100 pullups as few sets as possible
– 200 pushups in as few 2:00 sets as possible
– 300 situps in as few 2:00 sets as possible
Do these as quickly as possible. You can alternate exercises after each set of maximum repetitions.
BONUS: One thing we like to do over here at RS is provide you guys with free trial offers. Instead of having to pay full price, you can give these two oral supplements a try without breaking the bank.
Supreme Antler is not available in stores, only online. Using the following private link, you can get a risk-free trial bottle for only $4.95. Quantities for Ripped-Science readers are extremely limited, so act now before this offer ends.
Sytropin is available in some stores, but they are currently offering, a 20 day free trial so Ripped Science readers can “try before they buy”. Use our special link to get your free bottle of Sytropin (a $60 value!), and use coupon code “HGHNOW” to pay just a $3.95 shipping charge to have it at your door in a few days.
Leave comments with your results!
Written by: Tristan “Lucky”